Sunday, June 5, 2011

Test Your Creativity Water on Water

Test Your Water of Creativity at the Painting On Water™ session on Tue, June 21, from 4 to 5:30 in Atlanta during the CPSIConference.

Below is the description.
or click here and see session #210

How might your creativity flow like water? From Wall Street to Hollywood, from customer service to product design, creativity and innovation are the buzz words. Come take a quick lesson on creativity and practice immediately: Painting on Water™. Literally, use water as your canvas.

Experience the sense of flow that all creative professionals thrive through this unique session. This session serves as practical application of the CPS, Creative Problem Solving model.

This highly praised interactive program is an innovative application of science and visual art that offers elements of cultural diversity. It is designed by a mechanical engineer and an award-wining artist to engage the mind and the senses in multiple levels.

Learn directly from the original developer of Painting On Water™ -- a contemporary version of Suminagashi (Sue-me-nah-gah-she). It is based on an ancient art of flowing ink on the surface of water, originated in China over 2,000 years ago. As a bonus, you will also gain insights into the Asian wisdom and Chinese legends.

Past participants have found it to be a fun, unique, thought-provoking and memorable creative experience that goes beyond expectations. Suitable for anyone with a curious attitude. No pre-requisites. No artistic talent necessary. Must be 21% open-minded. No drop-ins.

   * One of a kind
   * Fun, hands-on, interactive
   * 100% experiential learning
   * Both relaxing and energizing
   * Asian cultural wisdom
Learning Objectives:

   * Apply Creative Problem Solving model
   * Build Creativity Confidence for Problem Solving Skills
   * Create a piece of art
   * Tools and technique
   * Exercise letting go
Take Away:

   * Create and keep your personal piece of Painting on Water
   * Gain insights into the Asian culture and philosophy
   * Shift Perspectives to Challenges, Changes and Chaos

Registration on-line